

Official domain name change announcement

Date:2022/8/3 16:23:35

In order to meet the company's business development needs and cooperate with the implementation of the company's brand strategy, the company's website domain name is now adjusted as follows:

1. From now on, the new domain name thespacehub.net will be launched and promoted as the main domain name of the company's website;

2. The original domain name of the website (www.yyhps.com) will be suspended from now on.

Please understand the inconvenience caused by the change of the website domain name.

It is hereby announced!

长海县| 油尖旺区| 富平县| 旅游| 洛阳市| 定州市| 锦屏县| 和政县| 仁化县| 九台市| 甘肃省| 台南市| 金沙县| 北宁市| 柯坪县| 盐源县| 乌拉特中旗| 渝北区| 高要市| 前郭尔| 通榆县| 自治县| 邓州市| 孝感市| 汉川市| 青阳县| 灵璧县| 南城县| 辛集市| 杭锦后旗| 建湖县| 东山县| 赤峰市| 肥西县| 册亨县| 栾城县| 宁安市| 祁阳县| 咸阳市| 收藏| 恩施市|